these three things: Roundtable, Printing and Binding Workshop Past Event

Image courtesy of Commoners Press


Sat 01 Jun 10:00am - 12:00pm


Free, booking required


69 Charles Street, Coburg North VIC, Australia


Over the Melbourne Art Book Fair Stallholder Fair weekend, Commoners Press will be collecting contributions to the ongoing project ‘these three things’. Participants are invited to contribute three words summarising their hopes for the future and in relation to the themes of Melbourne Design Week: energy, ethics and ecology.

These responses will be typeset with movable type to complete a page of an octavo booklet live at the Stallholder Fair.

Commoners Press will also be holding a follow-up event; a roundtable event the following weekend in our press at Coburg Studios to help print and bind the final books as well as discuss the contributions, printing and creative communities.

Presented by Commoners Press
Commoners Press is a local startup print studio that works with artists and designers in Australia and abroad on short run projects. We really like projects that are community focused, experimental, sustainable and/or regenerative practice.